Our Approach to Investments

Beyond our excellent client service, another area that sets the trust company apart is our approach to trust investments. The trust company does not pick stocks or directly manage investments. Rather, our clients are free to select their own investment manager.

We have nothing to sell. We work with outside investment firms chosen by our clients and derive no financial benefit from any one choice over another.

decorative photo of rocks in a stream of waterWe work with over 70 outside investment firms, ranging from mega-firms to small boutiques. Our vantage point affords us a unique opportunity to observe different investment approaches and philosophies. Our investment staff uses sophisticated analytical tools to measure the performance of our outside advisors. We provide independent, professional and customizable investment reports. We meet frequently with our clients to help them understand what is working and what isn’t.

Because we have no investment products to sell, we are truly objective. We sit on the same side of the table as our clients. If a client decides to change investment advisors, our insights into the industry enable us to suggest suitable replacements. Our goal is to obtain the best possible outcomes for our clients.

We understand the advantages of holding family businesses and other closely-held business interests in trust. We do not shy away from such arrangements. We welcome them and are uniquely skilled at administering them.

We succeed if our clients succeed. That is our only interest.